Every one should own a dictionary. From the start, you will need to own a satisfactory dictionary. The dictionary is our most useful single book. The preface to one of the early English dictionaries said that it was "gathered for the benefit and help of ladies, gentlewomen or any other unskillful persons"; but today the more skilful a person is in the use of words, the more surely he keeps a good dictionary where he can consult it readily. There are several dictionaries available in market like Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, New Oxford American Dictionary, and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
If you feel that you cannot afford an unabridged dictionary, buy as good an abridgment as you can afford, and supplement it by the frequent use of complete dictionaries in the public library. Later you may want a book of synonyms, a thesaurus will seem almost indispensable when you realize the fascination of seeking an exact word or phrase, but an adequate dictionary is the immediate necessity.
If you feel that you cannot afford an unabridged dictionary, buy as good an abridgment as you can afford, and supplement it by the frequent use of complete dictionaries in the public library. Later you may want a book of synonyms, a thesaurus will seem almost indispensable when you realize the fascination of seeking an exact word or phrase, but an adequate dictionary is the immediate necessity.
Use The Dictionary Effectively To Improve Your English.
Spend some time carefully exploring your dictionary and discovering everything you can about it. Do you understand the abbreviations used and the key to pronunciations? Are you sure you can use it competently and quickly? If there is anything about its use that you do not understand after a careful examination, ask the reference librarian at your library to explain it to you.
You will need to use a dictionary to find the correct pronunciation and the exact meaning of each new word that your increased interest in words brings to your attention. Let it help you to verify the spelling and the pronunciation of words you wish to use in your writing and speaking but about which you are somewhat uncertain. Find in it new words for the old ones you have not been using properly or have been overworking. With its aid you can determine parts of speech and word inflections. It indicates whether a word belongs to accepted usage or to slang or to dialect. Adopt the excellent rule: when in doubt, consult the dictionary.
Spend some time carefully exploring your dictionary and discovering everything you can about it. Do you understand the abbreviations used and the key to pronunciations? Are you sure you can use it competently and quickly? If there is anything about its use that you do not understand after a careful examination, ask the reference librarian at your library to explain it to you.
You will need to use a dictionary to find the correct pronunciation and the exact meaning of each new word that your increased interest in words brings to your attention. Let it help you to verify the spelling and the pronunciation of words you wish to use in your writing and speaking but about which you are somewhat uncertain. Find in it new words for the old ones you have not been using properly or have been overworking. With its aid you can determine parts of speech and word inflections. It indicates whether a word belongs to accepted usage or to slang or to dialect. Adopt the excellent rule: when in doubt, consult the dictionary.